Author: The Bra Patch
Bra Patch Featured in Midtown Magazine March/April 2017

“When thinking about a bra, you might wonder… Why do women actually wear them?”
They aren’t just for looks. Not having the proper support can leas to serious neck, shoulder and back pain. Even in small women, if the breast tissue is not properly supported it puts a lot of tension and strain on the body. When exercising, particularly with high-impact workouts or running, it is especially important to wear a bra that contains the breasts and reduces movement in a manner that they aren’t bouncing up and down while running or jumping. The bouncing can be very painful and cause the Cooper’s ligaments, which is the connective tissue between the breast and the pectoral muscle – to stretch out and lose strength. Once the Cooper’s ligaments are stretched out it causes the breasts to sag or droop. Those connective tissues do not repair themselves.
Other factors, such as pregnancy, weight gain, smoking, age and genetics all play a role in the irreversible stretching of Cooper’s ligaments. During pregnancy and while breastfeeding, when the breasts increase in size and weight, wearing a supportive bra can help to prevent the stretching of ligaments and preserve the shape of the breasts.
Finding a proper fitting bra is essential. The majority of the support should come from the band of the bra, not from the tightening of the straps. Since there is no standardization in bra sizing, it is more important than ever to have a professional bra fitting. Most women don’t realize that a lot of aches, discomfort and nuisance associated with wearing a bra are due to the fact that they are wearing the wrong size or the wrong type of bra for their body. Every woman’s body is unique and what works well for one woman does not necessarily work for another woman of the same size.
Bra Patch Featured in Midtown Magazine September/October 2016

Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women. Getting mammograms regularly can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer. The United States Task Force recommends that if you are 50 to 74 years old, be sure to have a screening mammogram every two years. If you are 40 to 49 years old, talk to your doctor about when to start and how often to get a screening mammogram.
What Are the Symptoms?
There are different symptoms of breast cancer, and some people have no symptoms at all. Symptoms can include any change in the size or the shape of the breast, pain in any area of the breast, nipple discharge other than breast milk (including blood), and a new lump in the breast or underarm. If you have any signs that worry you, see your doctor right away.
How Can I Lower My Risk?
The main factors that influence your risk for breast cancer include being a woman, being older (most breast cancers are found in women who are age 50 or older), and having changes in your breast cancer genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2). Most women who get breast cancer have no known risk factors and no history of the disease in their families. There are things you can do to help lower your breast cancer risk. The Know: BRCA tool can help you assess your risk of having changes in your BRCA genes.
Although breast cancer screening cannot prevent breast cancer, it can help find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat. Talk to your doctor about which breast cancer screening tests are right for you, and when you should have them.
CDC’s Bring Your Brave campaign provides information about breast cancer to women younger than age 45 by sharing real stories about young women whose lives have been affected by breast cancer.
Fast Facts About Breast Cancer
-Each year in the United States more than 200,000 women get breast cancer and more than 40,000 women die from the disease.
-Men also get breast cancer, but it is not very common. Less than one percent of breast cancers occur in men.
-Most breast cancers are found in women who are age 50 or older, but breast cancer also affects younger women. About 11 percent of all new cases of breast cancer in the United States are found in women younger than 45 years of age.

How to care for your new bra
Every day at The Bra Patch, women ask for advice on how to care for their new bra. Proper care will ensure that the great fit you walk out of the store with will last more than just a couple months. The first, and most important, steps are hand washing and air drying.
Hand washing in cool water with a mild detergent saves the underwire from being twisted and bent by the agitator or other clothes in the washing machine. If you wear a no wire bra, washing in the machine is fine, just be sure to use a lingerie bag which keep your bra from getting snagged on other items. And of course, when washing is done, AIR DRY! Nothing is harder on a wire and the elastic band than the tumbling and heat of a dryer.
The next step is storage. Moulded (lined bras) should typically not be folded inside themselves. This will cause your cup to wear out faster and potentially crease. Laying the bras one on top of the other in a drawer or hanging them is best. When traveling you can fold them, just be sure to put something (such as a small article of folded clothing) in the cup so that your bra doesn’t flatten out.
The last thing to keep in mind is how often you wear your bra. Finding the perfect fit is not always easy, so when we come across a comfortable, supportive bra it is hard not to wear it every day. The elastic band of your bra needs time to rest in order to not wear out quickly. Try not to wear the same bra more than 2 days in a row and don’t go more than 4-5 wears between washings. You don’t need a ton of bras to do this; even having 2 to choose from will increase the wear. And remember, the life of a bra is 6-9 months, with fittings needed after significant weight gain/loss or once a year.
Products we recommend and sell:
Silky Sac by Braza $9
Forever New Fabric Care Wash:
Powder- 16oz $10, 32oz $16
Liquid 16oz $10
Check us out on Facebook and Instagram.
New Cake Maternity Nursing Bras
The Bra Patch is excited to be carrying a new line of nursing bras from Cake Lingerie. Many ladies have asked about this brand and we have been very pleased with the fit and quality of the bras since getting them in the store.
We have three styles to choose from:
The Croissant Bra offers a flexible wire, soft microfiber fabric, and a wide band with extra hook and eyes to see your through pre/post pregnancy changes.

The flexible wire is a great option if you want more support and shape; it is not as stiff and unyielding as a traditional wire. The seam free design also makes this a perfect t-shirt bra and the spacer fabric helps with “show through” issues.

For those who want to stick with no wire we have the Mousse Contour Bra. This style has thin foam cups, reinforced straps, and a wide back with extra hook and eyes. It also features a plunge center, perfect for low cut tops and dresses. The style is great for smaller busted ladies, with the cup stopping at a DD.

The last style is the Rock Candy Seamless Nursing Bra. This features a soft fabric, removable foam cups, wide band, and extra hook and eyes. There is also a convertible clip to take you from maternity to nursing bra, and the straps convert to crisscross in the back as well.

If you have wanted to try Cake Maternity stop by the store, 1603 North Market Dr Raleigh, NC. We are also on Facebook and Instagram.